Rome Independent Film Fest XX° Edition


Rome Independent Film Fest XX° Edition


Call for Entries

The 30th of July is the deadline for the 20th Edition of RIFF.

Films must have been completed after January 2021.


The 30th of July 2021 is the deadline for submitting works to participate to the 20th Edition of the RIFF (Roma Independent Film Festival) that will take place from 25th November to the 3rd December 2021.

All information to apply and the official Call for Entry are available on the website: ““.


This year as well, filmmakers from all over the world will have the possibility to present their original works, for the last 20years, RIFF has collected and presented works coming from all over the world, giving particular attention to Indie productions.


The selected films will be over 100 (in the previous edition RIFF received over 2000 films from more than 50 countries).


The competing sections are 6:

Feature Films (Italian and International feature films, first or second time director);

Documentary Films (Italian and International documentaries);

Short Films (Italian and International);

International Student Films (for cinema students);


Screenplays & Subjects;


The program of the RIFF 2021 will be enriched by retrospectives and seminars on different aspects of the Indie film industry. At the end of the Festival, the winners will be presented with RIFF Awards worth over 30.000 €.


The RIFF – Rome Independent Film Festival is realized with the contribution and the patronage of Direzione Generale Cinema – Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo and of Assessorato alla Cultura e Politiche Giovanili della Regione Lazio.

The project is the winner of the Avviso Pubblico Contemporaneamente Roma 2020-2021-2022, is part of ROMARAMA 2021, the cultural program promoted by Roma Capitale, and is created in collaboration with SIAE.



Visit the new virtual press room to access the catalog, the program and the high resolution photos from our past editions.


online The new RIFF AWARDS 2021 website is online


Artistic Director Fabrizio Ferrari – +39 06 45425050 –


“Il progetto è vincitore dell’Avviso Pubblico Contemporaneamente Roma 2020-2021-2022, fa parte di ROMARAMA 2020 il palinsesto culturale promosso da Roma Capitale, ed è realizzato in collaborazione con SIAE”